How to Locate ATM Machine Using Google Map on Android Phone

You don’t need to about with huge money on your pocket every time. You don’t need to withdraw much from your bank on weekend. Yet you need cash to spend and have fun for weekend period. How will you go about this? Locate ATM machine using Google Map is the best answer.

This happened to few days ago, I was in an environment where I was not familiar with. Then I needed some cash to spend. No way to locate my bank, even if I could, it was late already. The only way to get cash is through ATM Machine. Mind you, I was a stranger in this environment, the only option is to Locate ATM Machine Using Google Map app on my phone.

Hum, this is amazing. In just less than 10 minutes, I was able to locate the nearest ATM Machine on my phone through this wonderful app called Google Map.

By now, you will be wondering how to do that. This is very simple, in fact, everyone using Android phone can just do and settle the matter at once.

The steps go for every other places you want to locate on your phone using the same app ie Google map. Now not to waste much of our time, I will put you through the whole steps. Happy reading:

How To Locate ATM Machine Using Google Map On Android Phone

Step 1====> The first thing you need is this app called Google Map. You wonder how you will get it. Yes, this app is very. Visit Google play store to download it for free.

Step 2====> Now that you have completed the step above. Tap this app to open it, ie to make it run on your device.

Step 3====> Then locate the search bar on this app and type ATM’s near me. After this, tap on go or search. Then, ATM Machine locations will be display on your device.

Step 4====>Now it is time to identify which ATM Machine is nearest to you, then just head to the location and get your cash.


For you to get the very best of this app, you need a reliable data connection on your phone. This depend on your area, choose the best network.


Locate ATM Machine Using Google Map is a very simple thing to go about. With this tips, you don’t need to have much money on you before you have fun on weekends.

Who knows, you might be stranded and short of cash, then head to the nearest ATM Machine and have your cash.

If you find this article helpful, kindly share with friends on social media. If you know other way to Locate ATM Machine without Google, please drop it in the comment box bellow.

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